01492 549 490
JPL Heating

49 Llandudno Rd., Penrhyn Bay, Llandudno LL30 3EP    Tel: 01492 549 490

Eco Flex Grants

Eco Flex is funding provided by energy companies for private householders with an EPC certificate of E, F or G. This is a Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy initiative and part of a drive by the UK to become more energy efficient, which will help towards the Government environmental targets.

We are one of the companies in Conwy and Denbighshire who are running the scheme. We can check that your property meets the scheme’s eligibility criteria  and ask you to complete a short application form. We will then submit this to the relevant authorities.

We will send a report to the energy company who will then contribute a sum of money that they deem appropriate to improve the energy efficiency rating of the property. We will then undertake a full assessment of the cost and if this is lower than the contribution by the energy company then the cost to you will be zero. The energy company will be able to undertake the full cost. This can include new boilers and central heating systems.

We must stress that this is only for households with low energy efficient homes. Only the energy efficiency of the property will be assessed, not your income. Whatever your income levels the energy company will have to meet their obligation to create more efficient homes.

Please contact us for more information.
Or go to the Eco Flex section of the UK Government website or the council websites below.
  • Free site visit and assessment.
  • Quick and easy application form.
  • We take care of the application to Conwy Borough Council.
  • Free quotation and submission to the energy company.
  • All work undertaken by fully qualified Gas Safe Registered heating engineers.
Find out if you qualify quickly. Please complete and send our initial enquiry form below.

Initial Enquiry Form

Are you a home owner?

Is your boiler broken?

Is it over 8 years old?

Do you have a timber ground floor?